“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually advanced the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard, and to everyone else, that my imprisonment is because I am in Christ. Most of the brothers have gained confidence in the Lord from my imprisonment and dare even more to speak the word fearlessly.”
Philippians 1:12-14 CSB

Persecution is something that not very many of us in the American church have faced as harshly and often as many of our brothers and sisters throughout the world. persecution.org shares that annually there are nearly 200 million people around the world that face some sort of persecution. Paul here is in chains because he faithfully proclaimed the Gospel when many desired his silence. This type of persecution is foreign to us, but maybe not for long. What will it take for us to advance the Gospel? As Paul is encouraging the Philippians he shares that it is because of his imprisonment that others gained the courage, the confidence, to speak the Truth of Christ without fear for their lives.

We have busy lives. Always going from one thing to the next with little time to slow down and rest, much less carry on heavy conversations with those around us. Yet it is in the times we take to rest, reflect and go beyond the surface with those around us that we join in deeper community. It has been through Gospel conversations that the Lord has opened my eyes and heart to various people and various ministries where the Lord was at work. Paul used his chains as a tool to share with those men who kept watch over him day in and day out. Our daily lives lend us to many encounters with people of all ages, genders, races and backgrounds. We’ve been given a story, Christ’s story of redemption, to share with those whom we come in contact.

Eyes are watching, always. Paul knew that the brothers and sisters were watching for his reaction, both verbally and nonverbally, to his imprisonment. The manner in which Paul conducted himself would speak volumes to them about Christ and about being His witness. While many would face the same punishment as Paul, imprisonment, others would die for their faith. Yet Paul’s example brought confidence to them. It gave them courage to embrace the fruit that lay ahead – life in Christ or seeing Him face to face.

Our everyday is a chance to impart courage to the believers, and hope to the non-believers, around us. Our actions and reactions can attract people to or repulse people from the Gospel. Your surroundings are a gift. Choosing to view them as such is up to you.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Where in your life feels like prison? How can you be a light in that place?
  • Who is encouraging you to live faithfully in Christ?
  • Who are you encouraging to live faithfully in Christ?
  • What tools have you been given to share your story?

Thank you for the chance to live life in front of others that they may see Christ in me. Help me to choose to slow down and pour into others what has been poured into me. Give me wisdom to see the people, situations and opportunities You bring my way as from You, embracing them as such. In Christ’s name, Amen.