“So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to agree in the Lord. Yes, I also ask you, true partner, to help these women who have contended for the gospel at my side, along with Clement and the rest of my coworkers whose names are in the book of life. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.’
Philippians 4:1-5 CSB

Rejoice! This is a more difficult than I ever imagined. Be glad. Lean toward. Rejoice! Paul writes this not as a suggestion but as a command. Word had gotten back to Paul that two women who had faithfully contended for the gospel along side him were divided. It is difficult to be between to people whom you care deeply for and to know they too care for the Lord. Paul tells the church to help these women.

What does help look like when we are divided? Assistance. On a daily basis I hear, “Mom, I need your help.” Sometimes the need is legitimate in that my child does not know how to continue on with the task at hand. Other times it is solely a desire to get out of doing the work himself. Paul is encouraging the church to assist these women to agree in the Lord. Sometimes that may mean reminding them of what that looks like. It could mean something as vital as Kingdom growth or as necessary as proper functioning of the body. Simply, it could be reestablishing a right relationship with Christ.

Why does agreeing matter? As a mom it is never more embarrassing or frustrating than when our family is out in public and my children refuse to get along. Maybe they are fighting over who is going to get which seat or where we are going to eat. Maybe they want something and we have told them to wait or not right now. Yet because of their own limited understanding they cannot comprehend what is best for them and for us as a family. Does their behavior matter? Absolutely! Does it matter more than their hearts? Not nearly. Yet one drives the other.

In our own blindness we cannot comprehend what is best for us. Yet God has established laws and ordained authorities in our lives to help us see His plan and path for us. Will our plan and path always look like what He has deemed for someone else? Not always. Yet as followers of Christ, His Word should always be our guide and His people should always be our people. That means living in fellowship and under the accountability of the local church. Mutually submitting to the church and allowing it to speak God’s truth into our lives. This is done in the context of relationships. Church is not a means of entertainment. It calls for us to step into messy situations and allow others into our mess.

Yeah, but who wants to get their hands dirty, really? It isn’t a matter of want. It is a matter of rejoicing. To be glad, or to lean toward, calls for us to engage in something in particular. Engage in relationship with Christ and with His church. Assist His church so that The Lord’s nearness may be known.

Questions for Reflection

  • Is there division between you and a brother or sister in Christ? If so, why?
  • In what are you rejoicing?
  • Are you willing to get your hands dirty for the sake of the Gospel?

Father, Thank you for first engaging in relationship with us. You desire closeness not division. Help me to submit to You and to Your church. May I be a shining light for Your glory! Amen.