“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7 CSB

Worry is often an unwanted companion. Appearing at the most inopportune times and over things often beyond our control, it can keep us up at night and cost us more than we desire to give. Worry gives way to fear and anxiety that tends to hold us captive and make us believe our situations are hopeless. Control cannot be had by worrying, nor can it add days to our lives. So what then are we to do? Paul gives us another option. Prayer and petition.

Prayer is the solution for worry. How so? Well, prayer is acknowledging God as supreme. It is going before Him, believing His promises and trusting in His faithfulness. Petition is acknowledging our needs, whether legitimate or perceived. It entails laying those things at the feet of Jesus and allowing Him to work in those areas of our lives.

Paul says it is through prayer and petition…with thanksgiving, that we should bring our requests. Thanksgiving is a key aspect to all of this. Eucharistia, or thanksgiving, is actively, grateful language with which we worship God. This Greek word challenges us to actively and properly acknowledge God’s grace in our lives. This practice is not a one time thing or something said at meals only, but it is a way of living, daily looking for how God’s good grace abounds around us and taking time to reflect upon it. Anxiety and worry strip us of control while making us believe we will be better prepared or able to prevent something undesirable from happening. These things simply are not true. They are a false sense of peace. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit brings peace to the lives of believers.

Whenever worry or anxiety try to creep in, stop and pray, giving thanks for all the big and small things. Look around and take note of God’s grace. Birds singing in the morning. A friend with whom you can share your concerns. Your favorite spot to watch the sunrise. A song that whispers God’s love to your aching heart. The smile painted across the face of another as they laugh. These are all pictures of His grace.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What is your first inclination when things seem to be going awry?
  • Where is your focus?
  • What does it look like to give thanks in everything?

I confess, Lord, that I often worry and stress instead of laying my concerns, my petitions at Your feet. Help me to focus on You and to count all as grace. Amen.